>Zero Must Remain the Norm – Article

>Zero Must Remain the Norm – Cotton Farming Magzine

We received correspondence from the NCC regarding the accompanying article. The story, in Cotton Farming Magazine, discusses the need for US cotton to maintain low (nearly zero) contamination in our bales.

The correspondence from Dale Thompson at the NCC highlights the end of the next to the last paragraph in which NCC Chairman, Charles Parker, discusses an incident that stemmed from the use of tags with metal grommets placed inside the bagging. Those grommets can become a fire hazard. Another concern is the wiring of tags to the ties on naked bales. These wires can become quite problematic when they aren’t found and removed in the opening room. In addition to the obvious fire hazard if it makes it to the machinery, the wires can become projectiles when the bands are being cut.

Please take some time before we start harvesting this year’s crop to discuss contamination with your producers. NOW is a good time to review your procedures to prevent contamination in your gin. There are many places where contaminants can enter the lint stream in your facilities. The National Cotton Council has a wealth of information that is linked to in the article or found here.

If you have any questions on contamination or contamination prevention, please contact Dale Thompson at the National Cotton Council or your association staff.
