Cotton GIn Cost Survey – PLEASE

For many years, the USDA has collected and reported the cost of ginning in the form of a Beltwide paper. The data was only collected every three years and was a paper survey. Participation in the survey has, historically been quite low. WE NEED YOUR HELP.

A few years ago, National Cotton Ginners, and USDA developed an electronic version of the GIn Cost Survey. This survey collects all the same information they have in the past but you can fill it out each year to get a much better idea and higher resolution for the cost of ginning. We get requests every year for information on what it costs to run a gin. We rely on the aggregated data to help those folks. Who uses the summaries? A lot of people. Most relevant are when we’re discussing things on farm bill or H-2A etc.

There are additional benefits to YOU by using the electronic survey. The electronic USDA/NCGA version of the cost survey will allow you to track your gin’s variable cost and compare your individual gin to other gins in the region.  Additionally, there are a number of charts and graphs, using historical data, that can be generated.  The electronic survey will allow for the annual input of a gin’s data and will allow you to include past years’ data if desired.  The data is strictly confidential, and the data will be shown only in aggregate.  Ginning cost and the ability for the industry to track these costs are extremely important.  This data is used for cost comparisons in the Southeast and is used nationally in both farm bill discussions and discussions with USDA.  Ginning cost data also will be an important discussion point in programs, such as the US Cotton Trust Protocol and, in particular, energy use.

Please use this electronic survey to report various costs.  Home – Gin Survey (

Let us know if you have any questions.