>Alabama Firms Hold Immigration Reform Seminars

>A series of seminars focused on employers compliance with the new Alabama immigration reform legislation are scheduled for the next few weeks. Some of these are sponsored by ALFA and some by the Alabama Employers for Immigration Reform (ALEIR).  The first will be in Mobile on July 25 and the rest are in August. ALFA will have a session at the commodity conference in Huntsville on Aug 6 in addition to those listed below.

  • Mobile, July 25 at the Semmes Community Center
  • Birmingham, Aug. 3 at Rosewood Hall, Soho
  • Montgomery, Aug. 17 at the Gordon Persons Building Auditorium
  • Huntsville, Aug. 31, to be announced

More information on the can found on ALFA’s site at:


The flyer and registration form can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/3qh73cl

Feel free to call us if you have any questions.
