Its never too late!

I was recently reading a post on, friend of the Association, Howard Mavity’s blog that dealt with playing catch up on matters of employment law. Howard is primarily a safety and health lawyer but the firm he works for deals with all types of employment law. The points he makes in his blog post about safety and health law can be and probably should be translated across all types of employment law.

In the post, Howard discusses how nobody’s perfect (except his dog, of course) but that’s not an excuse for missing the signs that there may be a problem. The post is short and well written so I hope you’ll get a chance to read it by clicking HERE. If you don’t just take a bit of time and think about whether you KNOW you’re in compliance with the myriad of laws employing people brings on you. Is your safety program complete and up to date? Have you done workplace inspections? Have you brought in outside help to look at safety issues? Have you audited your I-9’s? Are you sure you’re not getting too many documents? Do you have enough? How well do your employees understand the basic rules of working at your gin? I could go on…

Take a few minutes to read Howard’s article. It’s not a bad site to keep up with.