Continue to Use Current I-9 Forms… For Now

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) issued a press release late last week that employers should continue to use the current (old) I-9 forms for new hires or re-hires until a new form is released. The current form has an expiration date of August 31, 2019. There is no indication when a new form will be available.

The USCIS has a good website for information regarding the I-9 called I-9 Central. This site has forms, instructions and even webinars you can view to get all the information you may want. For the forms and instructions only, go to

With the increase in ICE activity, the likelihood of getting an audit has also increased. Technical violations of the I-9 can be costly. Please take some time before you go to far in your hiring process to review the I-9 and it’s instructions. The book M-274 is a wealth of information as well you should download and review that book for additional information including tips on spotting fraudulent documents.


Editorial: How a three page form can have 11 pages of instructions and a 125 page manual is beyond me but this is the case… don’t expect it to get better.